Acupuncture for Women’s Health

Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of caring for women's health. It's been a go-to for centuries, with many famous Chinese medicine doctors specialising in gynaecology.

With women’s health being so important in Chinese medicine, it’s not surprising acupuncture has become such a popular and powerful therapy for women's health.

Below are the main areas where acupuncture can help you:

1. Menstrual Health

Acupuncture has been shown to be really effective in helping with menstrual issues like cramps, irregular cycles, painful periods, or dealing with conditions like PCOS or endometriosis.

I take a thorough look at your menstrual history and overall health to craft a personalised treatment plan. Monitoring your progress over multiple cycles (normally 3-4) ensures a gradual yet lasting improvement in symptoms and overall well-being.

2. Fertility

For those trying to conceive, acupuncture can have a profound impact, not only on outcome but making the whole journey smoother. Whether you're going the natural route or exploring IVF, acupuncture can help reduce stress as well as support your body towards conception.

If undergoing IVF, I work with the various phases of IVF treatment, so we can tailor the treatments to where you are in the process.

You can read more about fertility acupuncture here.

3. Pregnancy & Post-Birth

Pregnancy brings along so many changes, both physical and emotional. During pregnancy, acupuncture helps to manage those common discomforts like nausea, pelvic pain, trouble sleeping, and anxiety.

In Chinese medicine, pregnancy is a time for nurturing and support. As your due date gets closer, specific acupuncture points can even help prepare your body for labor, making things a bit easier when the big day arrives.

After birth, acupuncture can help ease any lingering discomforts, balance out those post-birth mood swings, and give you that extra boost of energy you need to tackle the joys (and challenges) of new motherhood.

4. (Peri)Menopause

Entering the (peri)menopausal phase is embarking on a unique journey, each woman experiencing it in her own way. In Chinese medicine, we aim to dive deep into the root causes rather than just treating the surface symptoms.

Navigating through this transition calls for personalised care, tailored to your individual experience. Traditional Chinese medicine excels in this regard by viewing you as a whole person, prioritising holistic well-being over isolated symptoms.

If any of the above resonated with you or if you're dealing with any health concerns  and you're curious about how acupuncture might be able to help, please don't hesitate to reach out.
